Cuentos / Stories

Big boy

When I woke up this morning wrapped in my Spider-man sheets and Spider-man underpants I told myself that I was ridiculous and childish and believe me, I have even more childish things. I have a Mickey shirt that I haven't worn in a long time but I love it, one that says Hakuna-matata which is one of my favorites. That reminded me that just a few days ago my mom showed me "The bug's life" shirt I wore when I was a kid. That dragged me back to think about how I always liked the evil characters in movies. I didn't like them for the fact that they were evil, but for the fact that they were smart. Usually the villains study, repudiate the situation they are in (mostly unfair) (as is the reality of our capitalist system), then come up with an elaborate plan (work hard and you will improve your social and economic "status"...where did I hear that? ) scenes later it is shown that their intentions were just greed and not justice (well... there are things to evaluate) and then the good guy wins because he is... good (and dumb) (and because he has the power of friendship and family love, things that if were presented realistically, half the movies would go to hell). In most cases there's no merit to them winning. But what can we expect... hence our society that applauds and follows anyone. 

And there it is, that was the way my mind went, I explain: sense of childishness + a reasonably adult thinking. Then I realized that I am actually a child, a big kid (sounds quite childish) but nothing further from the truth. I just don't know what you were when you were child or what you imagine I was like. I was the kind of kid who would feed the ants and chase them with a magnifying glass to see how they carried the food to the anthill and then I would get mad because I wanted to see further and, because of size issues, I couldn't. I was also the kind of kid who, with a magnifying glass, could not. I was also the kind of kid who, at the age of five, asked her mother why we existed if we were going to die (I still remember the expression that wandered across her face, how she looked at every corner of the car and answered me with a cracked but confident voice). Needless to say, I was not entirely convinced by her answer. But that same child, intrigued almost to the point of frustration, did not stop laughing, nor feeling loved, nor enjoying the adventures he created in his mind. That child in his ant shirt grew up but remained that child. 

Yes, I wake up in my Spider-man underpants and I wake up with joy, I laugh as much as I can and I continue with my questions and my curiosity and my desire to grow and dream, but above all with that desire to live. It is clear that I no longer carry the same innocence as before, but I am still a child and I think it's the best thing that can happen to me, because it allows me to be free, it allows me to be ..... It allows me to see things from the prejudices that we carry in our minds, but without putting them into practice. And that allows me to appreciate life in all its contours of colors, lights and shadows. This childhood in me allows me to take a deep breath and fill myself with the things that are really important to me, it allows me to feel that life is not ephemeral because, although it escapes us without realizing it, something of life stays in me and something of me stays in it. The best thing that could happen to me is to be aware of my happiness and my sadness, because I can treasure both and live them and be lived. I do not have to go looking for moments that make me feel alive, I do not need the ecstasy of happiness paid  and provided by the entertainment that continually pursues us almost or closer than death itself, which also kills us. I paraphrase The Little Prince when I say "I will never understand adults". 

I don't believe that life is just jumping from pin to pin just because its tiny, sharp points are shiny. We have to be like a skein of thread and untangle and entangle ourselves as much as we can, until all the seeds grow into a forest. 


Self-portrait for Freud 

"I'd tell you I' m like a ghost, but that's Mayra's idea."

           A few weeks ago I went to see him. It was one of those days where the world seems to be against you. All things from the stupidest to the most complicated are conspiring to make your life checkered.  I was not in the mood.  I arrived and the fucking slouching couch that accommodates the hump of everyone who sits there, awaited me.  As usual at 3:00 pm, the doctor came in with his damn notebook. He told me that to begin to gain confidence I should describe myself.  I began by telling him that I am five feet eight inches tall. My hair is black. On my lip, a scar that reminds me that, in life, the silliest things leave a mark. And how can I forget the scar on my forehead. That one just reminds me that stone walls are hard.  Interrupting me he asked me how I felt about my body.  I couldn't  tell him that my body felt good to me. Then with his kangaroo doctor style, he jumped up and told me to tell him about my eyes.   I recognize the slight moment of discomfort at the question. Why? Well, they say the eyes are the windows to the soul, in my case I think they are transparent windows.  I should clarify that it is that kind of window through which you see out but it is almost impossible to see in.  When I said that to the doctor, he asked me what was inside.  Then I started to tell him:

         To be honest, I must say that my eyes do not hold many tears, but they do hold many joys.  My eyes are the lie that best describe me. I am that person who can walk without making noise. I can be right next to you in such silence that I go unnoticed.  I observe everything. That's not to say I can't be loud. In fact I am, but not always. I don't repress the desire to be loud. In fact I never hide anything.  I'm simply in the blind spot, that place where you see what's going on but you're not seen until you move.   Many try to get close, but you can't get too close, because you will only be able to see part of it, some see me from afar and I obviously miss their pupils like a ship on the horizon.  I think I am something complicated, like a self-fiction character.  It seems to me that you are not understanding me.  Maybe it seems that I am not describing myself very much, but take a good, close look.   I am not a cold person, not at all. I don't keep my feelings in my chest box to suffer for them. I can't deny that I have cried with laughter on occasion, but that's over now. It is possible that I have learned so much in such a short  time of life, that I cannot write from the wound, but I can write from the scar. (After all, I only exist in my imagination.) It seems that I have the capacity to learn from my own and other people's mistakes.  Returning to my eyes I must inform you that my eyes can tell you a thousand things, that I am responsible, that I care about other people, that I am asocial, that I can be a great friend.... But don't trust, everyone lies and I can assure you, that my eyes are always ready to be a different color every time someone look at them, that's how I was born. Privilege or damnation, I can see through the window, but you will only see as far as the scar.


The freedom of  the butterflies

The butterflies play on the shore of the high wind, in the open space of the insides, on the edge of the cliff, from where I see them.  I arrived here following only one of them, a small one that flew near me in the morning of a 20th day, now they are many, they seem to be outside and inside me, at the same time, they break the physics being far in the air and caressing my skin in the same event. It will be my imagination, I say to myself, cruel and merciless imagination, which makes me dream while I sit there on the edge of the cliff, between the balance of life and death. Someone told me that this risk was unnecessary, I could catch one in a jar and take it with me. That's crazy, that's a real atrocity.



[ If all the memories we have glued with small drops of imagination were dispersed, we would break like a downpour and it would never stop raining.]


Single Fragment

[If you broke your silence, I'm sure, you'd break me in pieces too. It's always like that, and your words bring me back to life, and I wait for you, while you're silent again.]


Small idle times

Stolen songs

          Sometimes I sing in silence so that he won't listen to me, because if he knew that the songs aren't for him, he would be very sad. 


          Sometimes, when I don't want to go to work, I pretend that I forget how to make the knot of the tie, she, without asking if something happens to me, takes the tie and makes the knot.


          She was so embarrassed at that party, luckily the dress covered the black nail she had stored in the glass shoe. 


          Death: a state similar to life, in which time passes without you noticing. 

Rhythm and dance

       He would place a radio on a sand-colored folding chair, sit to one side, and turn up the volume of the music. He moved from side to side, as if dancing to the rhythm of the wind. -What a crazy man! -said those who saw him, and no matter what, he followed his rhythm all day long.  To be fair, he wasn't crazy, but he was deaf.

Words of a Parisian

          L'amour est à Paris, maybe not others, but yours I'm pretty sure it is. 


If I can't get you out of my mind, then I will bury you in it.


Clay figure

  I was molded to the measure, adjusted with the detail with which the Greeks sculpted their gods, there was no defect in the compacted earth that formed me, I was a masterpiece that everyone wanted to look, have and touch. But that rainy day, which some would say was catastrophic in my story, my clay got wet and I became a swamp. My creator used his hands again to give me back my perfection, he tried, he got sores on his fingers trying to give me back my perfect figure. But when he squeezed the yolk of his fingers in my clay, the shape disappeared, the perfection broke into pieces, as if the clay denied the shape of the hands, then he let me dry with that grotesque shape. I went back to the museum, imperfect, and people came to see me as I really am.



Last wish

         I wish that, when they die, they take one of the wreaths of flowers. With delicacy the person who holds it in his hands will stand on his back, then throw it back to see who will catch it.


          Your sound calls me from a distance and with only a smile you make me want to dance. Vamos dançar?


They told her she was crazy and she wouldn't stop yelling at their visions that she wasn't.

Our dance

I want your steps to go to the rhythm of my music.

 The extinction of dinosaurs

          Being big won't free us from the inevitable.




          He was so real that he was a narcissist, he had fallen in love with his own feathers.


          I saw her every evening, with all the weight of life at hand, abandoned by everything. I watched her as she fed the stray cats.... Whenever I see her, she makes me feel lonely.


          We're so deep, even though we're far away, we hug each other.


If you don't understand what I'm saying, then kiss me.


          They skin us alive, so the crows don't get a job.


          Autoflagellation = *destroy everything until you die.


          Mechanism, escape door, so we don't drown in ourselves.


Double-edged micro stories


          He practiced his flight in a scissors hall.


          I was once asked what is the sharpest object you know? Something that can cut even love. 

The tongue," I replied.

Eyes mistake

       They wanted him to understand that he was making a mistake. Because they wanted to make him see reason, they ripped out their eyes and gave them to him so that he could see.

"Life is a carnival"

          Alert: at carnivals everyone wears masks.


          The moiras shared only one eye, and none of them were the laganas.

First confession

          I lied when I said I was lying.

Putting the batteries into it

         He had a reputation for making love fast, like rabbits. However, what plagued her was that the rabbit was not Energizer.


          A giant flower was born at the crown of his head, but he became famous for thorns.



Foolish vices

The dog arrives with the stick in his mouth, leaves it in the hand of the master, who throws it again.


Being naked, with the windows closed, is like being dressed. 


          That little jail that sets me free. 


          I'm afraid to touch you, not because I think you're fragile, but because only I know how you make me weak. 


          I am an open book, which is not yet written. 


What's going on? What's going on? Without being giants, the mills attack us. 

Equal opportunities

          As the queen ages her hormonal production decreases, this causes the birth of the new bee that will reign the hive. This happens again and again. 


          The phones have emoticons for every occasion and we ended up believing those little drawings are reality.


Under the clouds


          -I need to clear myself.

          -Your mind is cloudy, it used to happen and you know you're counting on me. Maybe I can't make the sun appear, but I can dance with you in the rain.


          Like most things in this world, people are cyclical and I had lived thinking I would never find you again.

Conflict of Interest

          You, me, us and others.

Late Discovery

          That, madam, is your clitoris.


          I have so many daydreams, I don't have enough time to sleep.

Sand Castle

          In the middle of the beach waiting for the water to collapse the borders. At sunset, the waves break the castle and move away. Just like you.

Colored fish

          Sometimes I'm like a fish, I look at the blue sky and I forget that I'm in the water.


          I decided to get rid of all the umbrellas in my house, I want the rain to soak my soul.



Most of the time we ignore that the rest of the people exist. We tend to concentrate so much on our environment that we forget that outside of it there are millions of people, customs, traditions, thoughts and infinity of things that we cannot imagine. It is from our smallness that we appreciate the greatness of the world, so we cannot appreciate it all, because we are so small that it takes us too long to go and see everything in the world, even our country or our neighborhood. We ignore many more things than we know. I have seen many people depressed by love, saying that they are alone and will stay that way forever. That's a tiny mentality, maybe you're just in the wrong place, maybe the person you're waiting for is just in a very different latitude and you don't have the courage to take the risk. You're bad. Now let's go to what we came here, talk about the two of us and that eagerness you have to lower my self-esteem. I have some bad news for you, you cannot get down what you cannot even reach.



The kiss on the handkerchief

He was an iconic gay, survived the inclemency’s of times, who had not handled very well the discriminations of those last years, but was standing. Dressed in bright red, prominent among the white doves that accompanied the priest, he took his hand and reverently planted a kiss on the top. He did not give the kiss to the hand of God, much less to the priest's, only to the young man who was once his best friend. It was an instant of memories, of those afternoons under the rain in which they put their feet in the puddle of dirty water, were those days where the grace of God welcomed them both. They hugged each other.  <<How nice to see you," said the priest. He blessed him, smiled at him, extended his hand to receive another kiss. As they left, one slipped that moment into the depths of the heart. The other one took out a handkerchief and disguisedly wiped the kiss from his hand.


The doctor saw him open on the table, he was trying to repair the damage, but the idea did not go out of his mind. While he was undergoing surgery, he was thinking of his son who was dying in another room in the same hospital due to heart deficiencies. He was trying to contain himself, he knew that his son needed a transplant. To suffocate the idea, he asked to the nurse, begging that it did not coincide. << What type of blood is the patient?  >> <AB type>>. It was a difficult decision. 

Defending the killer

Before being convicted and sentenced to death, the defense lawyer read the file and dropped two papers in front of the prosecutor. 


The deaf led the blind to hear the cries of people who fall over a cliff they cannot see.

He also spoke

The pastor kept repeating that God had spoken to him, until a guy killed him. First they pointed to him as a murderer, but he defended himself. He said that God had spoken to him and he urged the pastor to be in heaven. Some asked for justice, others deserted and thought he was crazy, incredibly the congregation increased. 


The first time the nuns of the school saw me naked, the earth shook under their feet. Then they trembled with me. 

Parallel World

Before going to sleep he had dinner, then went to the bathroom, brushed his teeth, urinated, lowered the lid, rinsed his legs, put on his pajamas, turned on the air conditioning, turned off the light and told his human <woof! >>. The human climbed into bed and lay on the edge. 


In a moment of jealousy, the husband killed the wife, it was a horrible scene as he slit her throat. The husband fell asleep in the middle of the horrifying scene. The cat climbed into his lap as usual, smelled the husband and smelled the smell of another pet. Jealous and believing that the husband belonged to him, he slit his throat while he slept. 

From prince to frog

Her man, who was the prince of her stories, gave her a caress and made her feel disgusted. 

Killing strangers

To educate him, he placed his son's hands on the flame of a candle. 

The Mind and Stomach

It is easy to evangelize those who are hungry.

Hidden truths

He didn't get the job and the company gave him a thousand excuses and explanations, but deep down everyone, including himself, knew that they had rejected him for being black. 

Dressed to love

She's been waiting for the moment all day. When she had him naked she was afraid, but she did not want to resist. Gurgling and sweat swirled through the room. She felt guilty for several days, he was her husband's best friend. She repeated several times and behind the door, watching the work through a crack, the husband also enjoyed his own fantasy.

She & she 

They kissed, caressed each other, loved each other. The eyes that saw them were the ones that were wrong.

Fast food

Today's fast food, tomorrow's heart attacks.


Cinderella went to the party with some slippers 'mete deo' and of course, she could not enter her happy ending. 

Divide and conquer

Bad news, we've already been beaten. 

Different forms 

Each one crucifies you with the nails they have.


Impossible loves

Guardian Angel

He took care of her from close, so close, so close to the right of the heart, that he ended up falling in love with her.


The flower, in love with the bee, produced nectar only to see it return. 

Limited love

The poor centipede, who lived in love with shoes, declared bankruptcy. 

Happy clouds

The orgasm of a cloud begins with thunder and ends in rain. 


A heart addicted to love is a heart addicted to the risk of breaking. 

Foreign lips

He, deadly kleptomaniac, died maddened by  shadows when he couldn't steal a kiss from her. 

The voice of Yocahú

Before the conquest, when the shore of the beach was taina, Yocahú fell in love. When the Spanish arrived with their crosses and Christians, Yocahú left. That sad taína only had the voice of her beloved left in the song of an empty conch. 

Process of forgetting

-Bartender, serve me two and be ready, the night promises. 

For two

It was like falling in love with his imaginary friend, she did everything for both. 

The two of me

Between his bipolarity and his things, his angry self fell in love with his cheerful self. 

Without love 

So as not to leave a trail, he didn't set foot on the road. 

Impossible loves

At the end of the stretch, unintended love is the impossible. 


Wrong world

Fly Cough

Erratic worlds are a product of the giant flies that cough when they get sick.  

Presidential braying

And the animal climbed up to the presidential table, braying, snarling, grunting above all reasoning, fed meat to the herbivores.

Many mouths

Few eat much, many eat little.

Grinding of teeth

It is known of some places in which the emptiness of the mouth is only filled with the sounds of teeth.

Private transaction

Someone offered her money for sex. She needed the money and singleness made sex too much for her.


The hermit arrived to the city. He saw all those people making a mess. He began to preach the benefits and peace of being alone.  People and more people believed him, that's how he lost all that he was talking about.

Public opinion

When the embalmer left, he had sex with the corpses, chronic necrophilia. The worst thing was that he thought he was the best because no one complained to him.

It's not love

He loved her so much that he was jealous of her.

He loved her so much that he hit her.

He loved her so much that he followed her.

He loved her so much that he always regretted.

He loved her so much that he wanted her just for him.

He loved her so much that he took her away from herself.

He loved her so much that he killed her.

Feathers and smoke

The lady, knowing her son's vices, got up early in the morning. In the cage she found only half-chambered blue and yellow feathers. Desperately she shouted: "Who smoked my perico?"


It was a time of red noses that winter, almost everyone was moved by the smell of snow.

Rule and assault

The tithe,  or we won't let you believe that what we'll tell you is true.


A child beggar was walking down the street with a dog of race, like the child, who was of some race. When they evaluated the condition of the dog, they said it was worth more than five thousand dollars, a pet like that should not be on the street, it should be winning dog contests, televised for other dogs and sponsored by other dogs. Let's be clear, this micro story is not about the child.  

What for?

Two cats fought relentlessly over a glass of milk. One fought to drink the milk and the other to take the cup.


Children were the glue of marriage. Even so, they divorced. Then they didn't know what to do with the pots of glue.

What do I do with the kids?

The biggest income in cinemas comes from divorces.

Discriminatory preaching

Love each other.

*Gays don't count as some neither as others.


In a round world, with round cycles, with round customs, with round stories, with people with round heads, with round ideas, with round actions... Everything rolls.


Horror night

When the night became dark, the creature came out. It had no eyes, but it could see. It didn't have lungs, but you could hear it breathing. I was clinging to the corner of the bed. I knew the creature was waiting for my dream. And its heart was my wakefulness. Every night. I listened to the heart beat buzz under my bed. Sometimes, when the sleep ended up defeating me, I woke up and the sheet was on the floor, torn. Each day was more terrifying than the previous one. Fear was eating me away. Without being able to do anything. No one believed me, no one ever believed me what happened that terrifying and schizophrenic night. The rain didn't stop. The light of the rays illuminated my room for seconds. Everything was dark, except for the few seconds.  Once again I felt the beats under the bed. Our hearts were beating at the same time. Mine of fear, his of anxiety. I felt something crouching under my bed. He was getting ready to attack. I, filled with fear, curled up in the corner, away from the edge of the bed. Little by little, the sheet was pulled. I grabbed it with my hands to stop it, to tuck myself in and hide to wait for my destiny. Even so, I lost the sheet when it fell to the floor.  Climbing slowly up the edge of the bed, I saw a hand. A claw. Long, sinister nails that tried to tear what was in front of them. I was in front. The creature was incorporated into his deformed body. He looked at me with the empty socket of his eyes. I saw my own fear in that dark emptiness. I heard the mumbling of his teeth. He was ready and approaching, breathing hot air that did not come out of his deformed chest. He brought his black teeth closer to my face. It had no breath. Even so, I could hear the buzzing of his heart. Then he attacked me, but first he fell to the ground. My hand still held his entrails, the things he had left. I bent down and began to chew, little by little, until there was nothing left. Not even a reason to believe me.


Frank- enstein

  I felt the blade of the dagger come from outside, then I realized. The blade cut my skin and I felt the air touch the wound, the blood clotting over the abyss, I imagined. The dagger came out clean, as if it had not cut anything, I always knew.  I didn't feel the flow of blood, nor the slippery nerves warning the brain in despair. I was so calm that he had no choice, he stabbed me again. A tickle ran down my arms, which were not mine. My legs fell asleep, and they were not mine either. The chest received more wounds, again and again, it was not mine, like the hand I used, it obeyed me without being mine, I pushed him away.  I turned my back on him, even though it wasn't mine. He attacked again. I stabbed the shoulder blades, the vertebrae and everything I could reach.  I didn't feel pain. I hit him hard. He fell to the ground. He saw that there was no bleeding. He saw that my wounds were becoming insignificant, I always knew that. With a brain that wasn't mine. With an alien conscience. I could realize that I was made of dead pieces.  I am a sack of rotten meat, cooked with a skein of things that don't belong to me, I don't belong to me, I didn't become myself. That's why I looked into his eyes, shining like a dagger. I could see the fear reflected on the surface, in the shadow of his cornea, which was not mine either. I took his arm, clenched his fist, wielding the dagger. I threatened him with his dagger, with his hand, with his own arm that went down to his instincts and tried to counter my strength. He was a monster like me, except that he would bleed, if he would feel the blood fall to the edge of the abyss. He believes that what others have made of him belongs to him. To me only belongs the decision to let him live, to let him flee terrified and get lost in the world. I was always sure, I knew it. Forever he will think that a badly cooked monster, brought from the dead, lives to avenge himself for what he did. Until the day of his death he will be haunted by the fear that I saw in his pupils today, waiting to see me in some corner ready to kill him. After all, maybe I am a monster.



The rabbit trick

Everyone looked with astonishment at the illusion of the rabbit in the hat, except for the rabbit, who looked with horror how the magician made people appear.

Two halves

The magician divided his assistant in two, each night, during the function. During the day he recomposed it, after all, it was the love of his life that divided every night.


After her act, the contortionist stood up. That's when I realized, my life still has a solution.

Circus fights

They divorced, and for the show there was no magician, no assistant, no acrobat. Behind the tent, one of the clowns was crying.

Tame kiss

The lion kissed his trainer, and he lost his head.

Flea Circus

The fleas migrated to the circus and stopped dreaming of walking in their own dog.

Circus Policy

The spectacle was so mediocre that the circus seemed to be everywhere.

Good magician

Everyone was delighted with the magician, but they didn't catch the trick.

Circus for the poor

The illusion was so good that the spectators, sitting on the grass, thought they were in the circus.


He was so annoyed by her comment that he decided to end the show in the middle of the act. He took her legs and left her torso in the middle of the stage. 


The best thing that happened in his life, coincided with the first time he lost his balance.

Paper Circus

The paper circus arrived in the city. All functions were filled to capacity.  The magician and the dancer were in love. Their love made the show a great one. The night they said they would leave the circus to live their love, rained.



For the world

I gave the world my best, every deep and courageous effort, but the world didn't need it.

Dear friends

When he was rescued, it was the last time he saw him. The shipwrecked man took a moment alone to say goodbye, not finding him, he remembered his words: "when they rescue you, you won't find me, you'll stop imagining me".

Being young

A few years ago, when I looked in the mirror, I realized that I have more good memories than I appear.

Random Destiny

She was a lady with ambitions, and she did what she heard, she brought years to life. Unfortunately, it didn't last long.


I am bipolar

My wife always comments that she is a bigamist. Everywhere they look at her with disdain. Even her family has despised her for her comment and they don't understand the joke.

When it's night somewhere

He was a man of sunshine, during daytime he used to work, and at nights he used to go somewhere else.
